Monday, January 25, 2016

Dan Klingler's Graduation from Lane Tech - 1995

It was a cold and windy Chicago day when Dan's high school graduation ceremony from Lane Tech took place.  The graduating class was so large the ceremonies were held outside in the football field.
Walter Klingler, Dan Klingler

Lynn and I were very proud of Dan, especially since he graduated from Lane Tech and not St. John's Military Academy in Delafield, WI, as I once threatened....but that's another story,

Monday, December 25, 1989

X-mas morning, around 1989

Rondell Slager,Terry Gowey

My best guess is 1989

(back) Dan Klingler, Lynn, Rondell Slager, Walter Klingler
(front) Jason Klingler, Biscuit, Terry Gowey

Thursday, November 24, 1988

Dan & Jason Klingler, 1988 Thanksgiving Day

I'll never forget it, you know, it was a sunny Thanksgiving Day in Chicago, 1988.

Dan had his hockey stick, hoping beyond hope that the Blackhawks would pull out of their horrible losing streak.

Dan Klingler, 1988, Thanksgiving Day

Dan & Walter Klingler, 1988, Thanksgiving Day

Jason had his hair all punked out looking stylish as always.
Jay Klingler, 1988 Thanksgiving Day, Lane Tech

Tuesday, March 5, 1985

Casino Night for Howard Brown Memorial Clinic

HBMC had a Casino Night benefit for the AIDS Action Project.  I don't remember where it was held, but it was sometime in the mid-80's.  I was a black-jack dealer for the evening.
Walter Klingler, Howard Brown benefit

Tuesday, April 25, 1978

Dan Klingler's 1st Birthday April 25, 1978

Wake up, Dan, it's your birthday!
Dan Klingler
Dan in his crib

Jason Klingler, Walter Klingler
Lynn, Dan, Jay, Walter Klingler

Jason Klingler
Jay & Dan Klingler with Grandma LaVerne Puhr

Dan Klingler
Oh the anticipation

Dan digs into his birthday cake

Every baby gets his own 1st birthday cake

Dan Klingler
Dan tasting Jason's give to him

Emily Connors, Dan Klingler, Great Grandma Landeck, Jason Klingler, Grandpa Art Puhr, Jonathan Unander 

Dianne Puhr, Gaspar Marsalla

Jason Klingler, Jonathan Unander, Dan Klingler

Nancy and Emily Connors
Nancy & Emily Connors, Brian Haliburton, Mrs. Rice
And a good time was had by all.